Mihai is a talented and hardworking young man from a small town where the safety of tomorrow seems to be reserved just for some people. For the question that each of us has asked ourselves at least once in our lives “What will I do?”, he enthusiastically replied, “I will create jobs.” For some it seemed like a dream, for others an illusion, and for those acquainted with the sad reality – even crazy.
For Mihai it still is an target he aims at. He took the hard road of work and studies with a lot of responsibility. Just as a house is built, brick over the brick, this dream slowly turns to reality, but it is still far from being fully accomplished. Although he was morally supported by the family from the very beginning, the material situation was not in his favor. There are a lot of needs and demands and although bureaucracy seems like will eventually bury everything, determination and hope are greater than any obstacle.
Mihai would need his studies completed with a specialized master and thus fulfill his dream … If you want to give hope to young people and a safer future at the same time, we invite you to donate with the mention “For Mihai and his EDCO project”.